Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Fall Decor Pumpkin With Tutorial

Hello creative peeps :) So sorry to be MIA for a couple weeks! 
Summer ending and hurricane season here had us a bit busy! 
Trying to squeeze in last minute time with family visiting and friends before
Summer is over! But now, it's back to crafting! And boy I am happy to be creating
some Fall Decor items! This was created for Prima and Create With Prima. 
So there is a full video tutorial linked below :) 
I truly hope you like it! I nabbed this little velvet pumpkin and stand at my local
Michael's, and just went to town decorating it. 
Huge hugs and I hope you are all having a beautiful week! 
Full Supply List down below for quick shopping at
I am an affiliate for them so I received a commission from any purchases you make, 
this does NOT affect your price in any way :)
Thank you all for the constant support and love! 
You keep me going! 

Supply List Used:

Thank you for visiting! Hugs :)


  1. Miranda, this is AMAZING!!! I love the pumpkin!!!!

    1. awww thank you so much Olga! i love your work so much! you are on ofmy heroes! i so appreciate the support! xo
