
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Art Journal "Garden of Curiosities"

Hello creative blogging friends :)
I have been under the weather lately and had some stuff going on
BTS that will be revealed soon! So sorry for the absence! 
I am trying to get caught up on ALL my late posts on here, that never got shared. 
So that i can get current and share all my new makes :) So i am going to take a step back 
to a few months ago, when i did an art journal page for the first time. 
I think LOL! It is soooo enjoyable! And i have a full video tutorial HERE, for anyone who wants to view the process :) I hope you like my pages! xoxoxo and may your 4th of July be outstanding! 
Huge hugs!

 I really enjoyed creating in the new mxied media book from Prima! Its so sturdy and perfect
for all mediums! This is quite whimisical. I used lots of Um Wow Studios pieces as well :)
Here is a full supply list that you can click on to go shopping at They have MAJOR deals going on now! Especially on Prima goodies! xoxoxo

Supplies Used:


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