
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

OUAS Layout- Mixed Media "Precious New Moments"

Hey lovely ladies :) Well i did another layout!!! woohooo Lol. And i have to say, i really had fun with this one! i spent a LOT of time on the background. I really wanted to do lots of texture and technique. The base paper is Websters Pages and i layered different colors of tissue paper, some blue , some pink, some cream with script on them. I used gel medium and just layered it all over the paper. After it was dry i misted like crazy! I used very subtle mists though :) Let it dry over night and ironed it back flat (boy it was warped Lol) and then added my masking on top. the pix just don't do justice to the depth and texture on there.
I also printed out my pictures on transparency film, then backed them on script paper so it showed through :) I used lots of yummy Imaginarium Chipboard pieces! Being on their DT is a dream come true! So yeah, thats about it Lol :) I also added lots of hints of metal in there to break up the girliness a bit :) Nuts and screws and bolts. Stuff you wouldn't expect to find.
My journaling is on a tag at the bottom right photo tucked in.
The them this month at Once Upon A Sketch this month was "the start of something new"
New year.... new memories :) Nadia's sketch is amazing as always. I really had fun, hope you all like my layout :)
Lots of texture!!!! love that you can see the tissue paper print under it all :)
Oh yes those are the new Finnabair metals ! i got lucky and won some from Prima :)
 I really am into doing my pictures on transparency right now! Kind of hard to make work, but def worth it i think. I used Prima paper under them.
 Can you see the screws, nuts, and bolts peekign out here and there?

 Thanks for looking! hugs!


  1. Stunning Miranda. Love the subtle colours in the background and what a great idea to place the nuts and bolts among the flowers. It does break up the girliness (is there such a word?) and it's like a little treasure hunt. Love it all. ox Marg

    1. Thank you so much Marg!!!!!! oh yes i can't have anything tooooo girly! got to grunge it up a bit LOL!

  2. Wow Miranda - what a feast for the eyes. The hard work has certainly paid off... stunning layout! Thanks for playing along with us this month at OUAS!

  3. this is really amazing LOVE the photos on the transparancy...I might have to try that some day. LOVE!

    1. Shona you are so sweet! thank you! your layouts always inspire me! hugs :)

  4. OMG! Your page is absolutely stunning!!!! Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous work with us at OUAS!

  5. It's amazing, your techniques are out of this world and the whole page is a fairytale. Stunning!

  6. What a wonderful layout. I love the structure in it and especially how you used the flowers to connect the two photos and make them look like one unit. Great layout!

    I also participated with a layout, have a look if you like


    1. Thank you so much Andrea! will be sure to check out yours as well! big hugs!

  7. This is absolutely stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, all of the above. I love the transparency pics. How do you do that? Special printer or ink? Also where do you get your prima tendril sprays from? And again, LOVE this, love your work. It inspires me to try alot of things so thank you for that.

    1. Thank you so much Debbie!!!! I have to get them printed at Office Depot, not sure what kidn of ink or printer they use but it works LOL! Big hugs!

  8. This is beautifully constructed, Miranda! I too LOVE using tissue paper- what a fun material; so many different things and textures you can work it into. Awesome. Love the photo work too- all around you created something totally fabulous! So glad you joined us again at OUAS~!


    1. Thank you so much Erin, your layouts inspire me SO MUCH! Yes yes tissue paper rocks!!!!!!! I love your canvases using it!

  9. Somehow we are facebook friends but not bloggy friends!! just became your follower!! Absolutely love this layout!!

    hope you come by too!!

    1. haha i know! i follow your blog i just hadn't offically "followed" it hehe! i now do though :) love your work Keren! thank you for your support! big hugs!

  10. this is perfect for me ! love the background and all these details !!

  11. this LO is simply stunning! so much creativity! amazing project!
    thank you for joining us at OUAS!

    breathtaking. I wonder how can I do the same photos with my DH

  13. Congrats on being a winner at OUAS!!! I am now a follower, dont know why i have not found you sooner :)

  14. My goodness what a gorgeous page Miranda! totally swooned, died and went to heaven checking out the details. All your hard work and time spent on creating this is soooo well worth it!! LOVE the photos printed on acetate and the script showing through, all the yummilicious bits and pieces and your never-erring eye for design. Breathtaking yes ma'm!! CONGRATULATIONS on your win over at OUAS, so well deserved! xoxo

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